Portobrands, nas Galerias Lumière

Portobrands - uma Pop Up Store com 6 marcas portuenses nas Galerias Lumière. tem até 15 de Janeiro para as conhecer. (Galula, Bleebla, ElRockstar, Maria Maleta, Milf Skateboard Tailors, Weekend Barber)

(ver anteriores posts sobre as Galerias aqui e aqui.)

Portobrands - a Pop Up Store with 6 brands made in Porto at Galerias Lumiére. they will stay there until 15 january.
(Galula, Bleebla, ElRockstar, Maria Maleta, Milf Skateboard Tailors, Weekend Barber)

(see previous posts on Galerias Lumière here and here).

Rua José Falcão, 157
4050 - 317 Porto
Mon - Saturday: 9:00 - 20:00h

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