up street - street art stop & go

o Porto fervilha de street art interessante, à qual ninguém deveria ficar indiferente, pois em certos casos são mesmo verdadeiras obras de arte.
com essa consciência, a Porto Lazer está a organizar percursos grátis - mas sujeitos a inscrição - pelo roteiro das obras mais carismáticas. o programa decorre ainda no próximo fim-de-semana e a 31 de Outubro. (se tiver interesse informe-se melhor aqui).
os passeios podem ser feitos a pé, de tuk tuk, ou de bicicleta, e são sempre acompanhados por um dos artistas - o Third.

Porto has great street art, to which no one should be indifferent, as in some cases they are real pieces of art.
with that conscience, Porto Lazer is organising some free tours - to which you should apply in advance - through the most important paintings. the tours are still on on the coming weekend and in October 31, so if you are interested, get more information here.
tours can be made by tuk tuk, by bike or walking, and will be guided by one of the artists - Third.

aqui o artista Third, a ser entrevistado para a TVI.

here the artist Third, being interviewed for TV.

free tours through the street art
24, 25 October & 31 October
apply here: workshopsportolazer@gmail.com
more info here.

Street Art Instameet:
Igers_Porto with Porto Lazer & Third
Saturday October 24
10h Rua da Madeira

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